University of Paderborn
Business Information Systems 2
TeachingResearchAbout us
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky
Marcus Ott's papers sorted by topic

My work at the Department for Information Management and Office Systems at the University of Paderborn is manifold. For information on the topics please refer to the respective categories in our library, where you can find various reports in form of publications or white papers:

The Ph.D. project deals with the current topic of Team-based Organizational Design (GroupOrga) which can be seen as a development of the institute's Workfflow Management project GroupFlow.

Find the current presentation on GroupOrga from the Doctoral Colloquium GCC on November 27.-28., 1998 here.

Besides these two fields, I am also involved in the GroupOffice project on Flexible Office Management and its integration into a combination of Intranet and Internet.

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