Lotus; Schlesinger, Dave; Reckling, Chris: AD308 Introducing the Lotus Workplace API, IBM Software Group, Orlando 2004.

THEMES: Lotus\...\3 Presentation... | Schlesinger, Dave | Reckling, Chris
META STRUCTURES: Conference\...\01_Lotusphere_... | IE\...\Lotusphere 2004
YEAR: 2004
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User: Anonymous

HIDEWHEN: GCC-MediumAccess
LABEL: Lotusphere | Lotus Workplace
PEOPLE: Reckling, Chris | Schlesinger, Dave
THINGS: Application Development | Architecture
TIME: 2004
AD308 Introducing the Lotus Workplace API (web link)
Speakers: Dave Schlesinger, Chris Reckling
DL S. Hemisphere I-II - Wednesday 10:30am - 11:45am

In this session, you'll learn about the Lotus Workplace API, which enables you to access the services provided by Lotus Workplace business components from your applications. We'll start with the fundamentals -- our business component architecture and methodology -- and then show you how you can use the Lotus Workplace API to build your own business components and integrate with the Lotus Workplace platform. We'll also talk about other existing and planned technologies that will help you better integrate with and extend the Lotus Workplace platform.