Lotus; Estrada, Miguel; Shalabi, Sami: AD306 Details of Lotus Workplace Application Architecture, IBM Software Group, Orlando 2004.

THEMES: Lotus\...\3 Presentation... | Estrada, Miguel | Shalabi, Sami
META STRUCTURES: Conference\...\01_Lotusphere_... | IE\...\Lotusphere 2004
YEAR: 2004
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HIDEWHEN: GCC-MediumAccess
LABEL: Lotusphere | Lotus Workplace
PEOPLE: Estrada, Miguel | Shalabi, Sami
THINGS: Application Development | Architecture
TIME: 2004
AD306 Details of Lotus Workplace Application Architecture
Session Track:Track Two: Application Development
Presented by:Miguel Estrada, Sami Shalabi
Session DateTuesday, January 27, 2004
Session Time:4:30pm - 5:45pm
Session Location:DL N. Hemisphere A-C
In this session you will learn about the Lotus Workplace Application Architecture that will allow you to build your own collaborative applications. We will cover architecture details, and go over how products such as Team Spaces, and Web Conferencing were built using this architecture. You will walk away with a technical understanding of how you can use the Lotus Workplace Application Architecture to add collaboration around your business applications and processes.**