CDHK Lehre (ed.): Workshop Agenda:Cognitive Computing, Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning Neural Networks - Current state of the art and impacts on business, management, manufacturing, automation and society - CDHK Tongji, 同济大学  - Shanghai 11.-14.10.2017

Goal: Conveying to students the broader picture and current state oft the art of the fast changing areas currently defined by cognitive computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and - especially – deep learning neural networks. The depth of discussion is on the level of a survey, introd...

THEMES: CDHK Lehre\GCC Workshop 2...
META STRUCTURES: CDHK\Agenda Worksho... | Website\K-Pool
YEAR: 2017
GCC's WKMS-Workshops at CDHK/Tongji Shanghai 2006 - 2017: Database 'CDHK K-Pool', View 'GCCNC_ThemesCompact', Document 'Blockseminare / Workshops Information Management' AGENDA & IMPRESSIONEN, Photos, Videos
SA 14.10. 09;00
Groupware Competence Center (GCC)
University of Paderborn, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky
Prof. Dr. Pei Wang-Nastansky
Florida International Univ., Miami, USA
Tianjin Univ. of Commerce, China
Workplace und Knowledge Management Systems (WKMS)
CDHK Blockveranstaltung, Tongji University Shanghai
Metro Stiftungslehrstuhl für Innovationsmanagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik
CDHK, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Prof. Dr. Guanwei Huang
Thema /
.Tagesablauf / Agenda
Beschreibung / Description
Lehrunterlagen & Übung /
Klassenraum: Vorlesung, Übungen, Gruppenarbeit / Class
    4. Applications and Society
    4.1. Business (DL Startups, Marketing, Fraud Prevention, ...)
    4.2. Industry – Manufacturing (Automotive, ...)
    4.3. Society (Education and Policy, Health and Medical, Impact on Jobs – Automation Anxiety)
    5. Miscellaneous – Open Issues