CDHK Lehre (ed.): Workshop Agenda: Cognitive Computing, Machine Intelligence, and Deep Learning Neural Networks - Current state of the art and impacts of AI on business, management, manufacturing, automation and society - CDHK Tongji, 同济大学  - Shanghai 09.09-16.09.2019

Goal: Conveying to students the broader picture and current state oft the art of the fast changing areas currently defined by cognitive computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and - especially – deep learning neural networks. The depth of discussion is on the level of a survey, introd...

THEMES: CDHK Lehre\GCC Workshop 2...
META STRUCTURES: CDHK\Agenda Worksho... | Website\K-Pool
YEAR: 2019
GCC's Wirtschaftsinformatik-Workshops at CDHK/Tongji Shanghai 2006 - 2019: Database 'CDHK K-Pool', View 'GCCNC_ThemesCompact', Document 'Blockseminare / Workshops Information Management' AGENDA & IMPRESSIONEN, Photos, Videos
Halbtag 2
.Thema /
.Tagesablauf / Agenda
Beschreibung / Description
Lehrunterlagen & Übung /
Klassenraum: Vorlesung, Übungen, Gruppenarbeit / Class

    2. Underlying and Defining Core Developments and Technologies
    2.1. Big Data and worldwide Distribution of Data Centers
    2.2. Processors: From CPU over GPU to TPU and FPGA
"Computing speed doubles every two subjective years of work.

Two years after Artificial Intelligences reach human equivalence, their speed doubles.

One year later, their speed doubles again.

Six months - three months - 1.5 months
... Singularity.”
Eliezer Yudkowsky,
Staring at the Singularity, 1996
Computer Farms / Data Centers: Not that easy to get around, at least physically.
Kai Yu, at Baidu's Research Center in Silicon Valley: Making a point on Deep Learning.
    3. Theory – Research
    3.1. The „Dark Ages“ of DL – Lessons of Perseverance in Research
    3.2. Network of Researchers Driving DL(amongst others: Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, Joshua Bengio, Andrew Ng, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Fei-Fei Li)
    3.3. DL Concepts > DL Live Layer Activation
  • Diskussion Q&A Themen Eigenstudium/Hausarbeit
    AI/DL-PREZI "1. Introduction" > AI-Rise of the Machines - Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning - AI/Deep Learning - XAI/Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • AI/DL-PREZI "2. Technology" > 2.1 GP-TPU-FGPA-SoC - 2.2 Data Centers
  • AI/DL-PREZI "4. Trends, Applications, Society" > 4.1 Business > Information - Content - ByteDance IPO
  • AI/DL-PREZI "3. Theory, Research - Deep Learning Core" > "3.1 From the Dark Ages ..." - "3.2 People" Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, Joshua Bengio, Andrew Ng, Juergen Schmidhuber, Fei-Fei Li - etc. "3.3 DL Concepts" > DL Live Layer Activation
