Nastansky, Ludwig; Singularity; SEM Shool of Economics and Management: The Singularity Challenge - When will Interpenetration of Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Farms, Data Centers, Devices/Things, etc. take over Innovation? (Symposium "First German-Sino Management Innovation International Conference", 05.-07.11.2015 Tongji University, Shanghai)

The world experiences an ongoing interpenetration of • internet, machine intelligence, software and app layers, • computing concentrated in huge computer farms as well as distributed over an increasing number of decentralized and connected devices/things with ever growing performance at all ends, •...

THEMES: Nastansky, Ludwig\...\11_CDHK-Tongji... | Singularity | SEM Shool of Economics and Management\Innovation Con...
YEAR: 2015

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"Computing speed doubles every two subjective years of work.

Two years after Artificial Intelligences reach human equivalence, their speed doubles.

One year later, their speed doubles again.

Six months - three months - 1.5 months
... Singularity.”


Eliezer Yudkowsky,
Staring at the Singularity, 1996
Computer Farms / Data Centers: Not that easy to get around, at least physically.
Kai Yu, at Baidu's Research Center in Silicon Valley: Making a point on Deep Learning.
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